by T-6 Racing | Jul 5, 2012 | Race Results
Gold Race6 LapsSept. 17, 2006 PlaceAircraft NameRace #PilotSpeed 1Six Cat6Nick Macy235.609 2Midnight Miss III43Dennis Buehn229.100 3Undecided II90Gene McNeely222.926 4McDonald Racer37John Zayac221.060 5Big Red5Gordo Sanders218.674 6Wyoming Wildcatter77Jim Good218.587...
by T-6 Racing | Jul 5, 2012 | Race Results
Gold Race6 LapsSept. 18, 2005 PlaceAircraft NameRace #PilotSpeed 1Two of Hearts22Mary Dilda237.180 2Warlock75Al Goss233.659 3Six Cat6Nick Macy231.040 4Mystical Power21Tom Campau227.221 5Wyoming Wildcatter77Jim Good216.728 6Lickety Split9Bud Granley214.095 Silver Race6...
by T-6 Racing | Jul 5, 2012 | Race Results
Gold Race6 LapsSept. 19, 2004 PlaceAircraft NameRace #PilotSpeed 1Warlock75Al Goss238.079 2Two of Hearts22 Mary Dilda237.047 3Six Cat6Nick Macy233.269 4Undecided90Gene McNeely223.408 5Wyoming Wildcatter77Jim Good218.267 6Kitchen Pass7Tom Dwelle217.789 Silver Race6...
by T-6 Racing | Jul 5, 2012 | Race Results
Gold Race6 LapsSept. 14, 2003 PlaceAircraft NameRace #PilotSpeed 1Six Cat6Nick Macy235.264 2Two of Hearts22Mary Dilda233.507 3Warlock75Al Goss226.951 4Mystical Power21Tom Campau225.379 5Wyoming Wildcatter77Jim Good220.677 6Big Red5Jerry McDonald213.964 Silver Race6...